Privacy and cookies

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Information in compliance with art. 13 and 6 of EU Regulation n. 2016/679 ("GDPR")

This disclosure is related to this Web site and is intended for all users who access it: both those who use the site without logging in and to those who login, as a result of any registration process, using the services dedicated to registered users, e-commerce, ...

Other Internet sites to which you may access through links/hyperlinks are excluded from this statement. The respective policies for privacy and cookies apply for such sites.



Web site:

User: Person accessing the site, interested in the provision of data.

Owner: Entity which manages the user personal data, as specified below.


Entity which manages the user personal data

The entity which manages the user personal data is Antonini Srl - Via Cellina, 17 - I-33085 MANIAGO (PN) - ITALY - Tel. +39 0427 71029 Fax +39 0427 72561 e-mail - VAT ID: IT 01035530938


Objective of data processing

The processing of personal data is performed without specific consent (art. 24 lett. a), b), c) Italian Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b, c GDPR) for the following service purposes:
- close agreements in order to provide service;
- fullfill requirements of laws, regulations, EU rules or other legal authority;
- receive updates and offers by subscribing to the newsletter;
- exercise the rights of the owner, for example defense in a court.

Personal data can be used to send emails with commercial contents, but only with explicit consent. In any case, data can never be tendered to third parties for such use.


Processed data

Implicit navigation data

Although you can view the website without providing any personal information, software and servers that make the Site functional acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the communication protocols of the Internet. This information are not collected for identification purposes or association to specific persons; despite that, by their nature and composition they may allow the identification of the user in certain cases.

This category includes the IP addresses of computers used by users who connect to the website, the address (URL) of the requested resources, date and time of the request, response data, ...

The purpose of collecting this data is to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site (such as, in particular, the number of hits to the pages) and to check the proper functioning. They are deleted immediately after processing.

This process is not targeted to receive information which directly identify users.

Inclusions of third-party code on this site may collect other data about the user, in particular this can be done by monitoring services and visitor statistics (such as Google Analytics and Google Adwords) and social networking plugins (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, ...).

Data explicitly provided by the user

The user can explicitly provide data for access to certain features of the site, such as restricted area and e-commerce. These data (such as shipping address) are communicated with the exclusive purpose of allowing the owner the supply of the services requested.

The Web site may allow the newsletter subscription (mailing list). The e-mail address is provided voluntarily by the user will be used to provide communications by the Owner. The registration can be canceled at any time by revoking the consent explicitly.



Cookies are small bits of text that a website sends to the client (user's navigation software/browser). The client stores the information locally and transmits it back to the server (Web site) in a subsequent access, be it immediate or referred to a future visit.

A cookie contains some service data (date and time, duration, the site from which it comes) and a textual content which is usually a numerical code. This code is used to make the user experience more comfortable allowing, for example, the Web site to remember viewing preferences, contents of the cart in the case of e-commerce, ...

In no event, our cookies will be used for the purpose of tracking specific behaviors of the user.

The Web site uses both temporary cookies (session, lasting only the time of a visit) and permanent (lasting more visits agreement time).

Third Party Cookies

Inclusions of third-party code on this site may send other cookies to the user, in particular this can be done by visitor statistics services (such as Google Analytics and Google Adwords) and social networking plug-ins (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ , options, ...).

Regarding the privacy related to this cookies, please refer to the policy of the respective suppliers.

Information collected with cookies

We use both session cookies and permanent for:

  • allow the Web site to remember user data such as browsing preferences and login details, so you do not have to re-enter all your information moving from one page to another.
  • statistics (anonymous) aimed at improving the site.

In no case cookies will be used to specifically profile single users.

More information about cookies and the rights of the user are available here:


Optional nature of data provisioning

Excluding implicit navigation data, the user is free to decide to provide personal data for newsletter, registration, e-commerce, contacts and other services. The absence of data provisioning can make use of these services impossible.

Voluntary provisioning of cookies and elimination of them.

Acceptance of cookies is optional for the user, who can configure his/here client (browser) to refuse them. In this case, however, it may not be possible to use all of the site services, or this may cause defects in the enjoyment.

The user can easily delete any cookies received following the procedures provided by the specific browser.


Processing methods

Personal data are processed without automated tools for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

The personal information the User provides will not be disclosed to third parties or disseminated.

The User personal information will be retained only for the time necessary to ensure the proper performance of the services required, except any specific legal obligations on the retention of accounting documentation or for purposes of public security.

Some data may be stored for an indefinite time in order to provide specific services to the user. For example, for e-commerce functionality shipment data can be remembered in order to avoid the user to insert for each new orders.

Data is store in data centers in the USA (data center owners: pair Networks, Linode, Digital Ocean, Amazon) and/or in the European Union (data center owners: Linode, Amazon)

User rights (person interested in treatment)

The use has the rights as per GDPR art. 15. In particular these rights are granted:

i. obtain confirmation about the existence or absence of your personal data in our database, and the communication to you of that data;
ii. obtain indication of: a) origin of personal datadell; b) purpose and mode of treatment of data; c) logic applied in the case of treatment done with the help of electronic instruments; d) identification data of the owner, responsible people and representative designed in compliance with GDPR art. 3 comma 1, and Italian Privacy Code art. 5 comma 2; e) subjects or categories to which data can be tendered or that can become aware of it in quality of designated representative for the Government or its subsidiaries;
iii. obtain: a) update, correction or integration of your data; b) deletion, transformation in anonymous form or block of the data treated not in compliace of regulations, including data for which conservation is not necessary for service purposes; c) confirmation that operation at letters a) and b) are known/communicated to the owner of the data (you), exclusing the case when that communication is impossible or very difficult;
iv. oppose, in all or in part, for legitimate reasons, for the treatment of your data.

Where applicable, you also have the right as per art. 16-21 GDPR (Right to corrent, right to hide, right to limitate treatment, right to data portability, opposition right), and the right to file a claim to the Warranty Authority.



For the exercise of the rights according to Italian Privacy Code and GDPR, you may contact the Owner of the data, according to the contact information provided at the head of this document.


Document version: 3.0-EN


Call Us
Tel. +39 0427 71029
Via Cellina, 17 - 33085 MANIAGO (PN) - ITALY