Sale terms and conditions - B2C

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    1. The company ANTONINI s.r.l. (hereinafter referred to as “COMPANY”) with registered office in Italy, 33085 Maniago (PN), Via Cellina n.17, registered in the Pordenone-Udine companies registration list under no. 39483, Tax Code / VAT number: 01035530938, in order to protect the final consumers, to keep them updated on new projects and to allow them to buy independently and with the utmost awareness and protection, entrusts direct sales to the final consumer to its distribution network and especially pays particular attention to the choice of its official distributors;

    2. In order to allow the final consumer the widest possible purchase, the COMPANY has selected sales distributors (hereinafter referred to as “DISTRIBUTOR/DISTRIBUTORS”) authorized to sell Antonini products and connected to the COMPANY through appropriate agreements and, especially, remote DISTRIBUTORS that will make the product portfolio even more present and available, will convey the quality of the "Antonini" brand and the specific characteristics of the various articles.

    3. The DISTRIBUTOR, moreover, with its activity will allow the COMPANY to get closer to the final customer by offering a more complete and direct support before, during and after the purchase, aiming at loyalty and increasing THE "customer satisfaction".

    4. The set of services offered by the DISTRIBUTOR and especially the after-sales assistance are described in the Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as “SC”) available on the e-commerce sites of the DISTRIBUTORS.

    5. For a clear and effective application of the rules to protect the final consumer, the COMPANY will indicate the names of its authorized DISTRIBUTORS in the appropriate distributors section of the company website.



    1. The use of the site is subject to the conditions published in a specific section.

    2. The personal information you provide will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.



    1. Operability on the site is subject to the opening of the "CUSTOMER account" according to the procedure indicated in the Terms of Use of the website. The information provided during registration and the data necessary for the identification of the CUSTOMER are processed in accordance with the rules of EU Regulation 2016/679 (so-called "GDPR") on the protection of personal data. It will be the responsibility of the CUSTOMER to keep the information provided updated and the customer will be held solely responsible for any errors in the order, delivery and billing related to incorrect information. The CUSTOMER undertakes not to transfer his identification code and password to third parties and to keep them with the utmost care and diligence, remaining solely responsible for their custody and use. The opening and use of the account does not imply any obligation to purchase and is free, except for any connection fees that the CUSTOMER will bear according to their choices relating to the communication operator used.

    2. The SITE, by acquiring data through the opening of the account, will define the type of CUSTOMER: if it is a professional CUSTOMER (or holder of VAT number) any purchase will be managed directly by the company Antonini s.r.l. and the SC, provided for the B2B and available in the appropriate section of our portal, will be valid; if, on the other hand, the CUSTOMER is identified as a private individual, the sale will be managed directly by the DISTRIBUTOR (to whom our SITE will direct the CUSTOMER) and the B2C sales conditions available on the DISTRIBUTOR's SITE will be applied.



    1. The information indicated with reference to product availability, prices, shipping and guarantees detailed by the DISTRIBUTOR in its SC published on its portal will be applied.

    2. For a final consumer it will not be possible to proceed with the purchase of a product directly from the COMPANY for the reasons indicated in the introduction of these notes concerning the "B2C sale".



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Tel. +39 0427 71029
Via Cellina, 17 - 33085 MANIAGO (PN) - ITALY